The Mountain Badakhshan (GBAO) is a marvelous mountain country. There are only two similar places over the world: Tibet and Bolivia high mountains. You can reach the Mountain Badakhshan on one of the most high-mountain highway in the world – Pamir Highway with extension of 728 km via the highest pass in the CIS – Ak-Baital (4641 m), crossing the deepest gorges, high-mountain deserts, where only yaks are able to find poor fodder for themselves. But even there, in inclement conditions, the people calling themselves proudly “Pamirians” are able to live in those places.
Amazingly beautiful landscape of high-mountain valleys, surrounding by peaks with eternal snow, splendid high-mountain lakes and impetuous rivers, unusual architecture of mountain settlements, centuries-old traditions and customs, saved by local inhabitants – all these things are deserved reward for traveler succeeded in reaching to these places. The most high-mountain botanical garden in the world is located in administrative centre of the Mountain Badakhshan – Khorog - at a height of 2300 meters.
In GBAO tourists can enjoy picturesque mountain landscapes of mountain ranges (Vonchskiy, Rushanskiy, Shokhdaryinskiy, Zulumart, Zaalayskiy) and also afghan Gindukush Mountain and Chinese Kun-Lun Mountains with summits Patkhor Peak (6093 m), Mayakovskiy Peak (6095 m), K.Marks Peak (6723 m), Soviet officers Peak (6233 m), Lenin Peak (7134 m), Muztag-Ata Peak (7556 m) and many other nice summits, numerous high mountain lakes (Karakul, Bulunkul, Zoroshkul, Turumtykul, Sarez, Yashilkul, Zorkul, Rongkul, hundreds other more small lakes); intermontane valleys Alichurskaya, Vakhanskaya, Shokhdaryinskaya, Vonchskaya with numerous mountain settlements, where you can watch real life of local inhabitants and their traditions; ruins of ancient fortress (Kaakhka, Yamchun, Ratm and etc.); numerous mazars and sanctuaries.
Fann Mountains
Istravshan (Ura-Tyube)
Mountain Badakhshan
Vakhan Valley
Yamchun settlement